Firework Festa
Japan is in the middle of the horrible season, summer. It's horriblly humid, hot, cruel...
But one of the amusements during summer here is fireworks!!!
It's not fun to watch something small scale; however, like the one above, watching more than 10-20 colorful supernova-like explosions in the sky is very eye-catching, fantastic, and dynamic!!!
I've seen some of those in the US before, but I think Japan is one of the leading artistic firework country. They are not simple as the ones that you can find at one of the Disney parks. You should try watching those in Japan before preconcluding the judgement. This 2 hours event, well, especially only the 1-2 min for the last part of the festa in the summer would not only refresh your mind but also make you wonder the color of the sun what if it explodes...
Far beyond the dark sky, billions of miles away from the earth, there may be many beautiful supernovas start creating new lands....